This Picture is Worth:

Thousands of Words. Millions of Dollars.

Construction. Maintenance. Security.

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Dispatch, Collect, Report, Map, Track & Analyze Your Data

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Dramatically Reduce Cost With Your Information Now.

Document the work: time, date, location, temperature, photos, video, notes, sketches to create the business record you need. Click on the app to see how!

Document the work: time, date, location, temperature, photos, video, notes, sketches to create the business record you need. Click on the app to see how!


Document it on site. Now Crew time sheets. Now

Is the site really in the condition the GC says it is?  Materials on site? Worker check in? On Job Injury?  On the spot change requests? MapToTrack provides the tools to dynamically document, photo and video the whole darn thing. 

The dispute management line item just went way down. 

Liability is less.  Insurance claims are easier.

Emergency ManagEment/Damage Assessment

Severe Weather and Fires are a fact of life now

Expensive, enterprise GIS software not needed here to respond, record FEMA Damage Assessment data and recover. Converting .csv files to meaningful reports are a thing of the past. Rural communities can afford MapToTrack preparation, response and recovery tools.  Safer. Sooner. 

Damage Assessment? We built the very first Apple and Android DA apps for the American Red Cross - way back in 2016. Call us. We would love to share our experience with you on economical community solutions.

Transportation Maintenance

Who touched what last and when?

Maintaining the condition and safety of public transportation facilities, trains, buses, stations and stops is a big job for agencies, districts and their contractors. Both save extraordinary expense with MapToTrack apps, reports, tracking and dashboards replacing manual documentation. Contractors and agencies save an average of one full time employee producing/reviewing reports. Both have immediate visibility into track, train, station and stop condition - dramatically improving quality control for both.

Graffiti documentation helps law enforcement prosecute offenders, reducing maintenance expense.

Law Enforcement & Security

Severe Events keep happening

Agencies are no longer hostage to expensive enterprise software to which their processes must be force fit.  MapToTrack provides the patrol logs and the security inspections you need - not what you don't. Live tracking of personnel and vehicles happen in MapToTrack on desktops, operations and command centers. So do the reports you actually need. Right Now.

Solutions from Rapid Needs Analysis aka Windshield Surveys, FEMA Incident Command System (ICS) and Incident Action Plans (IAP) to patrol logs and time sheets - round out affordable MapToTrack solutions for our responders who protect us.

HazMat/Environmental Services

It's 10:00 AM.  do you know where your $1000.00 an hour hazmat trucks are?

A customer’s vision to document on site hazmat sample collection, embed test results in the same record, track chain of custody and confirm those $1000.00 an hour trucks really deposited that hazmat where it was supposed to go actually happens in MapToTrack.  No more sleepless nights.

Critical Infrastructure

What, Where, When. Who Touched it Last?

Expensive, enterprise GIS software not needed here! Whether you are managing a business improvement district, tracking and maintaining energy, communications or sanitation and water networks, MapToTrack keeps things and people current.  Point. Click. Photo. Dictate. Done.

Metropolitan and Rural communities no longer are reliant on consultants to know what was done, when and where.  It's there in MapToTrack. And it is affordable.

Everyone saves money. Calculate the following:  How much time you and your teams spend writing things down. Finding what you wrote down. Creating a Word Doc or spreadsheet to transcribe what you wrote down. Save doc so you can send it somewhere.  Send it somewhere.  Then dig through your emails to find it to send it somewhere else, etc. That's a lot of time.  Multiply that time by the number of employees you have who do the same thing.  Now you really have a lot of time to think about...MapToTrack just eliminated writing things down and finding where you and your employees wrote it down and where it went.  Savings go on from there.  Right Now. Not Later. ROI kicks in as fast as 24 hours to 30 days’ time. It depends on how much manual work the solution eliminates. Be prepared to be very pleased!